
« Bigotry and the murder of Terri Schiavo | Main | Another audit: Criminal Justice Authority blows through $12 million surplus »

A rebuttal, a tribute

Kevin McCullough has a sharp rebuttal to an all-too-typical angry attack on those of us who are supporting Terri Schiavo's right to live. Kevin's correspondent hits all the usual talking points, some of which have appeared in comments on this site, and Kevin's response is worth reading.

Kevin has also assembled a moving audio montage about Terri, backed by Phil Collins' "Another Day in Paradise" -- you'll find it here, and Kevin is offering it to any radio host who wishes to use it on air.


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» Terri Schiavo roundup from
WizBang has a roundup of sorts. I'd like to throw in that, while I have little use for Jesse Jackson,... [Read More]

Comments (1)


Did Phil Collins allow his song to be used? I presume Kevin had permission to send it out among the maases. If not, an RIAA lawyer may come to his door.

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