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End zone dance

I'm really sorry I missed seeing Jim Mautino dance a jig in celebration of his massive landslide victory over the forces of evil. (And yes, they are evil. They proved it by the way they conducted their campaign.) But I enjoyed the verbal victory dance posted by Dan Paden over at No Blog of Significance, and you will, too.

Comments (6)

James Barnes:

Bloggers 2 Whirled 0, So much for the influence of the Whirled. There is still hope for our city.

I saw it. It was great.

I watched the returns with a big smile on my face. Score one for the little guy. Tulsa may live to see a brighter tomorrow.

Jeff Shaw:

This is a victory not only for Medlock and Mautino, but for the citizens of Tulsa. I am so proud this morning to know that people are not as stupid and shallow as particular media outlets would think. Thank you tulsans in districts 2 and 6 for making your voices heard, this time loud and clear. Politics in this city appears to be a very nasty business. I too, have a big smile. Thanks Michael for your help and all the bloggers, and media that turned the lights on these decrepit little people. I have discovered that what I have always thought about these people turns out to be true.

Some Kid:

Evil? Really? That gives you a lot of credibility, you know. Compare your enemies to Satan. Outstanding example of measured political discourse.

I'm just some Tulsa kid, who left Oklahoma to go to law school, checking up on things. As far as I can tell, this is just a pissing match between two groups of blowhards who really like the sounds of their respective hot air.

Am I coming back to Tulsa? Not as long as authoritative voices in discussions of municipal affairs cast each other in terms of the apocalypse.

Forces of evil? Honestly. Grow up.

a special recall election is hardly hot air.

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