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I heart Huckabee

One of the names that should have been on Patrick Ruffini's 2008 Republican Presidential Straw Poll was that of Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee. I hadn't really thought of him as a contender until our recent visit to Little Rock, where I heard him speak at a banquet honoring community volunteers (including my mother-in-law). He's a social and fiscal conservative and has a solid record over nine years as governor.

I was impressed by his ease addressing the audience. I suppose after nine years as governor and many years before that as a Baptist preacher, public speaking wouldn't be a problem, but I've seen plenty of veteran politicians who never learn to deliver a speech in a comfortable, natural way. I was surprised at how mild his accent was -- much less noticeable than Bill Clinton's.

Someone else thinks Mike Huckabee deserves a look as a presidential contender. Someone calling him/herself "Blue State Republican" has started the Mike Huckabee President 2008 blog. He's got an extensive excerpt from a recent column by David Broder, who also enthuses over Huckabee, calling him the most intriguing candidate present at the recent National Governors' Association conference.

Someone to watch.


Listed below are links to weblogs that reference I heart Huckabee:

» Huckabee Nation Grows by One from ryanVOX
Welcome to the fold to Michael D. Bates from Tulsa, Okla., who admittedly "hearts" Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee. [Read More]

Comments (2)


The only concern I would have about Huckabee at this time is his health. He'd been diagnosed with diabetes before his big weight loss. That's a health concern not to be trifled with, as Johnny Cash and former Chicago Cubs All-Star third baseman Ron Santo can attest.

At this stage of the game Huckabee has as good a chance as most of the others. I don't think there is a clear Republican frontrunner and it may be a semi-unknown like a Huckabee that can win. (ala Jimmy Carter)

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