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Best barbecue -- not available in stores

If you like good barbecue, you can try some of the best I've ever had and help a good cause this afternoon.

It's a fundraiser for the Tulsa County Republican Party at Brush Creek Farm, 10900 S. Louisville Ave., in Tulsa. The event is from 2 pm to 6 pm. The cost is $25 per family, or $10 per adult, $5 per child, six and under free.

The food alone -- Eagleton Bros. Barbecue -- will be worth the price of admission. John Eagleton, who is running for City Council District 7, is an excellent barbecue chef. I'll be one of several honorary Eagleton Bros. for the day, assisting John at the smoker.

Besides great food, you'll have the chance to meet many Republican elected officials and lots of rank-and-file Republicans who share a passion for politics.

Come join us, and if you see me, be sure to come up and introduce yourself.

Comments (5)

The A Team:

Wow, this guy must really know what's going on at city hall, because I thought the dates for the upcoming election have yet to be determined. Judging from the date listed on his website, it looks like we are just going to skip those pesky primaries this year, too. This guy better hope he is a quick study because he obviously needs to be brought up to speed about the process and when the upcoming elections are to take place(still somewhat a matter of speculation, the last I heard).

As the sign says, the website is still under construction. March 14 is the general election date under Tulsa's charter. February 7 would be the primary election under the charter. The consensus seems to be that, in order to conform with state law, the primary will be on February 14 and the general on April 4.


Does Mr. Eagleton have a restaurant?


W., sadly, no. He caters a few charity / fundraising events each year.

By the way, W., Movable Type saw your <Drool> as an invalid HTML tag -- I don't even want to think what a conforming web browser would do with that tag -- so I replaced the < and > with &lt; and &gt;, so it would look as you intended.

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