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Basil's Blog interview

Now up on Basil's Blog: a blog interview of me. People submitted questions to Basil, who passed them to me, along with a few of his own, and I had about a week to put together a response. Basil uses icons to represent the questioners and the interviewee; for my icon, he picked a photo of me, age 6 days. Observant readers will recognize a few other Tulsa area bloggers among the participants.

Basil does two of these each weekend. Here's the category page with all the interviews to date.

It was fun and challenging. Thanks to Basil for hosting, and thanks to all those who asked questions. (Even you, W.!)

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 3, 2005 10:16 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Dining out.

The next post in this blog is Coals (of fire) in the ACLU's stocking.

For the latest entries, visit the main page, which also has links to archives by month and by category.


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