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Beat Ted?

Talk radio host and blogger Kevin McCullough watched Ted Kennedy's performance during last week's Judiciary Committee hearing for Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito. Kevin thinks Ted needs straightening out:

"Ted Kennedy needs a beating."

Let me be clear, I don't mean some "pansy slap" on the wrist. I mean a bona fide beating!

This was supposed to have been Kevin's latest column for World Net Daily, but it was spiked as too extreme. I read it, and I don't think so -- but you have to read the whole thing. Go see for yourself. Kevin invites your comments.

UPDATE: Just in case you've not bothered to click the link and read the article, Kevin isn't calling for physical violence against the senior senator from Massachusetts.


Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Beat Ted?:

» Christian columnist calls for beating of Senator from Independent Christian Voice
Batesline pointed me to an article by right-wing columnist Kevin McCullough, entitled “Why Ted Kennedy deserves a beating…,” published interestingly enough at Crosswalk, the website that calls itself “The Intersection of Faith & Life.” ... Setting... [Read More]

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