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Hanson blogging?

I was checking Technorati for references to Tulsa and found what purports to be the online journal of Isaac Hanson, and that led me to the online journal of his brother Zac, and the online journal of his other brother Taylor. They have a band.

It is entirely possible that none of these sites are authentic, although they don't have the marks of a parody site. For one thing, Isaac and Taylor have only made one entry each; Zac hasn't posted anything. If these are authentic, they're awfully revealing.

Comments (3)


Isaac's looks authentic. My youngest daughter and I saw Isaac, Taylor, and Zac skateboarding
right before MMBop started their careers to success.

At that time they were all three homeschooled by their mother and she let them out of her car probably while she did errands. Isaac, Taylor,and Zac were all skateboarding in a shopping center that had several signs posted "NO SKATEBOARDING". The reason being it tears up the concrete steps and when people come out of the businesses they don't want to get run over by a flying skateboard jumper. They walked right by both of us with their skateboards.

The sad part of those journals is you can see how they have gone downhill in their spiritual life. I believe they got started playing in their church. Their father is(was) their business manager, but as fame continues and the money comes in, what kind of Biblical foundation did their father and mother set for these three HANSONS that would withstand the pressures and temptations in life in the way each of them talk or think and act.

I met someone that won the Oklahoma Interlochen music scholarship (these winers are fantastic in the music playing ability -- this one on jazz)and back then he had television news and all kind of publicity written about him for winning. He was very popular. After that he started getting music contracts. He said after that his spiritual life skyrocketed downward. He woke up one day, realized what he had allowed himself to be caught up in "in the fame of it all" and turned his life around.

Politicians, CEO's, president's, leaders do the very same thing. Look at the ENRON scandal and other businesses that got caught up in the money and power. Some of these people are still to be convicted and some have gotten convicted. Look how Bill Clinton allowed himself to be caught up in the moment of it all in the White House -- the
fame and power.

I hope the Hanson's that do have a home in Tulsa County will read BATESLINE. Remember when they
first started writing their own songs and look at how they are now.


My son, also a very talented musician, won a
national audition to be a part of a group that will be sometimes be playing for the President of the U.S., diplomats, and the next President. He will get to go to Camp David.

Not sure how real all of this is. I looked at Alexis site & it states "for RPG use only". Not sure what RPG stands for in this sense, but I know it could mean Role Playing Game.

I googled Alexis Hudson & all I could find were handbags. I was unable to locate any A Hudsons in the Tulsa area. I pronounce it bogus.

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