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Been and nothingness

UPDATE: Before you read the news stories below, here are two primary documents:

Mayor Bill LaFortune has placed Police Chief Dave Been on administrative leave, claiming that Been withheld a consultant's report about the department's SWAT unit.

KOTV is reporting:

Police Chief Been sent us a statement that says in part, "Mayor Bill LaFortune was fully informed of the audit and approved the contract." He said he received five copies of the report on February 10th and gave them to the SWAT team's chain of command to review. He said the report was common knowledge within the department and was delivered to the Mayor's chief of staff immediately when it was requested on February 15th.

This seems like a very disproportionate response, and you have to wonder: The FOP didn't endorse LaFortune. Without directly calling LaFortune a fool or a liar, Been has been on the radio saying that, yes, more police officers would actually reduce crime and make Tulsa a safer place. Meanwhile LaFortune has been trying to sell the idea that "more police officers mean more arrests mean a higher crime rate," that we have an adequate number of officers for a city our size. This looks like retribution by LaFortune against a department that won't play with make-believe with him.

Over on the TulsaNow forum, a forum participant calling himself "ChazInTulsa" says Been was on KRMG radio this morning, and when asked for his endorsement, Been said that he can't get involved in politics, but the FOP speaks for him.

(Here's a link to the KRMG clip, in Windows Media format, courtesy David Schuttler.)

It is interesting that LaFortune would be so swift in taking action, when you remember how he dragged his feet in dealing with leadership failures at the airport, failures that jeopardized Tulsa's federal funding.

In case you've missed hearing about it, this Sunday, 2 p.m., KFAQ is holding a rally in support of Tulsa's police officers at LaFortune Stadium, between 51st and 61st on Hudson Ave, just north of Memorial High School. This has suddenly become an even more interesting event than it already was.

meeciteewurkor has some thoughts and interesting comments here.

And I thought I heard Terry Simonson calling in to KFAQ's Dillon Dodge show, and if I understood what I heard correctly, he seemed to think that some person or persons in the Police Department who wanted to push Been out of the way, and they convinced LaFortune that he could regain support among police officers by getting rid of Been.

UPDATE: Dan Paden comments:

Of course, I don't know. If the Mayor is really justified in his actions, you have to feel a bit sorry for him, 'cause it sure looks like he's behaving like a spoiled, petulant child. And so close to the primary, too. Surely he's smart enough not to do something like this unless he has to.

On the other hand, I guess there's always the possibility that he really isn't smart enough not to behave like a spoiled, petulant child just before the primary. I know what that's like. Done it enough times m'se'f. Behave that way, that is, not that I've ever been in a primary election.


Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Been and nothingness:

» Mayor Vs. Police Chief from Joe Kelley's The Sake Of Argument
REPORT:As Steve Miller said, "There's some funky sh*t going down in the city...Tulsa’s police chief is on paid administrative leave after an announcement Monday morning by Mayor Bill LaFortune, which he says Police Chief Dave Been withheld a vital repo... [Read More]

Comments (2)

So which is it? The news stated he saw Been on Tuesday the 14th and his Official response on the city website states Monday the 13th... Are the confused or backtracking already


The "suspension" of the TPD Chief Been appears to be a case of pure political retribution.

Suspending the chief after 35 years of service over failure to provide the Mayor with a copy of a draft report whose very recommendations are already being implemented smacks of a very thin pretext to pay Been back for the FOP backing Major MisFortune's mayoral opponent Randi Miller.

The timing of the Mayor's action couldn't be more transparent: PAYBACK time.

Hurry March 7th. OUT with Major MisFortune, and IN with Medlock in the GOP Primary.

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