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A Shangri-La revitalization plan I can fully support

This has nothing to do with a Grove, Oklahoma, legislator's plan to get $30 million in state tax credits to redo Shangri-La resort on Grand Lake.

Mary Weiss, lead singer with the '60s girl group group that just coincidentally happened to be entirely staffed by the distaff (don't say "girl group" around Mary) the Shangri-Las, has signed with Norton Records for her first solo album.

Norton's website has a lengthy and fascinating interview with Mary Weiss, who talks about their hits (e.g, Leader of the Pack), recording sessions, the rigors of touring, their fellow musicians (like James Brown and the Zombies), going from obscurity to sudden fame, and how it all dissolved in a mess of lawsuits. Start with that link and follow the links at the bottom of each page to read the whole thing.

(Hat tip: Dustbury's 3WC linkblog.)

Comments (1)

Although some what off point, here is a response I got from my State Senator on the Shangri La tax credit proposal.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Sellers []
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 8:46 AM
Subject: Shangri La Tax Credit Proposal

Senator Mazzei:

I have become aware that Peter C. Boyland III is at the State trough for a boondoggle proposal at Shangri La. This has all the ear marks of another Great Plains Airlines deal that you just wrote off for $27M. I strongly urge you to vote against any Bill that does any business with Mr. Boyland III. Mr. Boyland has been involved in felonious activity with GemStar; this one is not close and I hope this doesn’t put you on Mr. Boyland’s team.

Ken Sellers
District 25 Constituent

Thanks for your input. I am suspicious and concerned as well.

Best regards,

Senator Mike Mazzei

District 25

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