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Bing Thom iddle-eye-po?*

Anyone else think it's curious that Bing Thom, the architect/urban design consultant consulted by Tulsa Stakeholders, Inc., in the development of "The Channels" plan, hasn't been heard from in connection with last week's unveiling or since?

For something like this, it's typical to parade the designer around town and make him available for interviews and a press conference. For example, Cesar Pelli came to Tulsa to promote his design for the new downtown arena. Why do you suppose that sort of thing hasn't happened for this project?

Has this become an Alan Smithee project?

* Sorry for the title, but I've been listening to The Goon Show rather a lot lately, and the architect's name fits nicely into a novelty song and catch phrase of theirs.

Comments (4)

Why do I suppose Bing bolted? 'Cause there ain't a chinaman's chance in a honky courtROOM this thing's got legs. 'Nuther T-Whirld hoax. Why the heck do you suppose I and several thousand concerned TULSA TAXPAYERS would EVEN consider ponying up something like half a billion clams to subsidize a bunch of over-pampered Utica Square trust fund slackers to be safely cocooned away from the rest of us proles on some Shangri-La Disneyland Windsor Castle for their secret lovefest orgies? Santa says WHAT'S IN IT 4 ME?


I was under the impression Mr. Thom was also the designer commissioned by Mr. Kaiser via his $10 Million donation to the river development.

It would seem The Channels would (should?) be coordinated with that and the INCOG master plan as well.

How are we to evaluate three different deals?
Much more, how are we supposed to develop any opinion unless all are presented side-by-side?

Promoters want to put this (the tax, actually) to a vote by December (before the big D leaves office).

I simply don't see how this can proceed without more study/evaluation. And, would expect any vote for boosting taxes in Decemeber to fail.

I saw a piece on CNN (I can't believe I watched) that promoted how "Young Professionals" have moved into apartments and lofts that replaced the vacated business offices near the World Traded Center site. They touted how a wonderful living environment has been created and that businesses have followed creating a "vibrant quality of life". Seems to me there is a bit more going on here than some Tulsa guys sitting around a kitchen table and coming up with a Tulsa Vision.

Which principle do you think is at work?

Capitalism - Go where the work is and build your community.

Socialism - Go where you want to live and the central planners will provide the work.

Paul Uttinger:

I'm more curious about the design than the designer. What is the proposed elevation of the normal pool for the lake, and how much lower (or higher) will the spillway be compared to the pavement of Riverside Drive and to the stormwater drainage system below the street? Where will the lake level elevation be relative to the elevation of the Sun oil refinery?

If the lake is to be 12.3 miles long, then the upper reach will be somewhere in the vicinity of 177th West Ave. According to flood profiles drawn by the Corps of Engineers, the streambed elevation at 177th West Ave is approximately 635 ft. The streambed elevation below the Highway 97 bridge south of Sand Springs is approximately 622 ft. The streambed elevation at the 21st St bridge (which is the location of the proposed 18 foot high dam) is approximately 612 ft. A dam 18 feet high will yield a maximum weir elevation of approximately 630 ft. The lake is intended to be navigable with which types of watercraft? What is the minimum depth required before the craft risk running aground?

Where is the subterranean parking to be built? Will it all be below the islands? Or will some or all of it be below the terrain on the east bank of the river? What is the proposed elevation of the lowest basement or parking level? Where will visitors who chose to drive to The Channels be able to park? Will residents of The Channels be able to dock boats below or adjacent to the islands? If so, how will that work? What is the proposed elevation of the exterior public space on the middle island? During the flood of October 1986, the Corps recorded the high water elevation at approximately 640 ft midway between the 11th St and 21st St bridges.

I think the voters of Tulsa County will need to know the answers to many questions before deciding whether to fund such an enormous project.

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