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Police Academy: Blog in Training

The Tulsa Police Department has had a blog for a few months now, but they've recently added a new blogger.

Casey Mankin is one of twenty recruits in the current TPD Academy. Mankin, 32, is a C-130 pilot in the Oklahoma National Guard. He's married, and they're expecting their first baby in January. He began blogging his experiences starting with his orientation back in June.

Mankin's blog entries are collected in the "Academy Life" category of the TPD blog.

Other recent TPD blog entries of note:

Comments (2)


With our very generous City of Tulsa TPD Police Car Take-Home Policy, maybe one of the future police cars to be evaluated should be a GEO Metro, a Dodge Neon, or a Chevrolet AVEO.

Reason: ALL Tulsa Police are allowed to take their assigned car home, home being in Tulsa, or within 25 miles of 41st and Yale. This includes basically clerks who sit at a desk all day. So, if we're forced to pay for the cost of replacement vehicles being worn out by commuting, and for fuel for these gas guzzlers, while we let this greedy freeloaders sponge off of the city taxpayers in this severely flawed public policy, then at least we should be demand some ECONOMY for the effort.

Neons, Metros or AVEOS would both cost LESS, and also cost less in FUEL to operate, as our poor, downtrodden police freeload on the Tulsa taxpayer commuting in our police cars to homes in Broken Arrow, Sapulpa, Jenks, Bixby, Owasso, Skiatook, etc, or while moonlighting second jobs, renting out their badge and gun.

Dose Dodges are some really BAD boyz. Now, they are also marking them, without the light bars. Saw one the other day zipping by. Can't wait til they surplus 'em so I can snag one.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 19, 2006 9:48 PM.

The previous post in this blog was A Bryant Park for Tulsa?.

The next post in this blog is Ron Turner's last dig.

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