Election Data Services: 2007 reapportionment analysis

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Election Data Services: 2007 reapportionment analysis

Which states will gain or lose seats in Congress after the 2010 census, based on 2007 population estimates and population trends? Arizona, Florida, and Texas are the big winners, along with Georgia, Nevada, Oregon, and Utah. Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, and Pennsylvania are the losers, with Minnesota right on the edge of losing a seat to Texas or Washington. The report includes how an estimate of how much population each state would need to gain or lose in order to gain or lose its next seat. Oklahoma would need to gain 186,954 people to get its sixth congressional seat back. Increasing the U. S. House to 506 members would guarantee that no state loses as seat (and Oklahoma would get its sixth seat back). (Via Election Law Blog.)


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