Obama and Ayers: Ideological Soul Mates | Verum Serum

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Obama and Ayers: Ideological Soul Mates | Verum Serum

Not just guys from the neighborhood, but partners in wasting private funding on goofy leftist educational fads instead of real curriculum improvement: "Under Obama and Ayers, the CAC distributed over $100 million dollars in an effort to place race, class, language and culture at the center of public school curriculums. That's why Obama, as head of the CAC, declined to fund an Algebra initiative (which received funds from other Challenge sites around the nation but not in Chicago), but found money for the South Shore African Village Collaborative which its founder described this way: 'We've had big community arts and sports festivals,' says Williams-Kinnison. 'And we're working on shared graduation ceremonies. We want to show that all of us, not just an individual school, have a stake in graduating all our children.'"


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