Answers to All Your Hobby Lobby Questions - Bloomberg View

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Answers to All Your Hobby Lobby Questions - Bloomberg View

Uncommon common sense from Megan McArdle:

"But we extend corporations many of the rights that people get because otherwise the results would be horrifying: The government would have the right to shut down the presses at the New York Times; search Google's servers without a warrant whenever they liked; tell churches (usually organized as corporations) what they could believe; deny nonprofits the right to organize protests; and otherwise abridge fundamental human rights....

"'Why is it any of my employer's business what birth control I use?' It's not, but once you make them pay for it, you make them a party to the transaction. You can't, on the one hand, mandate that someone pay for something, and on the other argue that it is a matter of supreme indifference to them.... If you endorse universalizing your own beliefs -- for example, "Brendan Eich should be fired because he spent his own money on opposing gay marriage" or "Women have a right to the fullest contraceptive access" -- then it shouldn't surprise you that other people might not be content to privately not use abortifacients while buying insurance for its employees who pay for same."

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