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In the absence of actual video, Sean Gleeson has used actual audio and still photos to put together a Ken Burns-style recreation of his Okie Blogger Round-Up presentation on the history of blogging:

(I recounted the beginnings of my personal blogging history about a year and a half ago.)


susan said:

Reading how things have improved reminds me of how my husband being a self-starter in the I.T. business.

He was in the "gifted" program -- had advanced to all of their higher learning they offered and was bored. When he was a senior, his high school sent him to learn from another university computer area and he outdid that easily.

We were married after we graduated from college he was manager of a very popular aviation company. His computer skills and business skills turned the company profit margin way up. Then other companies found out about him and he got his other jobs easily because they knew of his work success.

One day he said Bill Gates personal secretary had called to see if my husband wanted to come to Washington to a special top I.T./Microsoft
meeting. He was too busy to attend, but he did give the the Microsoft Sr.VP's answers on how to improve different things when they were sent to Tulsa from Washington a few years back.

He's consulted for some very well known companies
and always received superior results.

susan said:

Instead of a "chalkboard" he prefers a "whiteboard". In movies where you see all those smart kids writing out formulas that noone else can figure out, my husband does the same with a "whiteboard". The last flight company he
worked for has made a lot of money off the ideas
he created.

We also got to see the SpaceShip One -- a Paul Allen project. He looked in and immediately figured out how it worked. Spaceship One creators probably also used a few "whiteboards".

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This page contains a single entry by Michael Bates published on September 27, 2006 12:37 AM.

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