A night at the Centennial Film Festival

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Just a quick note to say our family had a great time at the Riverwalk Cinema for the opening night of the Oklahoma Centennial Film Festival. My daughter and I saw Cars -- it was my first time. What a great movie! It really captures the spirit of Route 66.

My oldest son had music class, so he couldn't join us until later. My wife and the two boys came just in time for Michael Wallis' talk about the history of Route 66, tying together the facets of the road on display in Cars and the role the road played in the history told by the film that followed, The Grapes of Wrath. (My son was excited to get to meet Mr. Wallis in line at the concession stand. He said he wouldn't tell his friends at school, though, because they wouldn't believe him.)

My wife took the daughter and the baby home, and oldest son and I stayed around for The Grapes of Wrath. I read the book in high school but had never seen the film. (And this was a real film, complete with scratches and a film break at the very beginning. It was fun to hear the whirr of the projector, a rare sound nowadays.)

It's a shame, though, that the theater was so empty. For $5 each you could see two great movies on the big screen and hear a talk by a master storyteller and an authority on Route 66, but it the theater was only 25% full. That may be a generous estimate.

Don't squander the rest of your opportunities. (Alas, we already had plans to be out of town for a family event.) Tim Blake Nelson will be present for a screening of his film Eye of God Saturday night at the Circle Cinema. Harvey and Oklahoma! are showing on Sunday. Here's a link to a PDF copy of the complete schedule.

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» 66 birthday magic from BatesLine

I started writing this entry last Saturday, November 11. As it was the second Saturday in November, we headed down to the south side of Oklahoma City to Uncle Dan and Aunt Connie's house for an early Thanksgiving celebration with Mom's side of the fami... Read More


W. Author Profile Page said:

Glad you liked "Cars." I suspect, however, that the reason attendance was sparse was that the DVD has been out since Tuesday (it's sold 5 million copies already). People will say, "Why should I go out and watch it when I can see it at home?" Guess they didn't consider Wallis' considerable storytelling skills.

D.Schuttler said:

If you don't use the internet and/or you don't read the Tulsa World paper, then where does one hear about it.
I would think with the time and money spent at least a mailer to residents in the area or billboards would be in order.

I thought the only movies playing for the centennial was at the Lewis movie house....

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