Red alert!

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In a bit of online video oneupsmanship, CBS has posted all 79 episodes of Star Trek (the Original Series) as streaming video on the web -- free. These are the original Original Series episodes, not the remastered versions with new CGI special effects.

The sound and video quality is amazing and the buffering was utterly smooth. There are only a handful of very brief commercial breaks. CBS is also offering the first seasons of MacGyver, Hawaii Five-O, and Melrose Place, and the first and second seasons of The Twilight Zone.

They've still got a ways to catch up in the classic TV department with Hulu, NBC Universal and Fox's joint venture which features plenty of classic and current TV, including the first two seasons each of The Bob Newhart Show, The Mary Tyler Moore Show, Alfred Hitchcock Presents, and Dragnet (1967), and the first seasons of I Spy and The DIck Van Dyke Show.

Remind me again why I'm paying for cable?

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Roy Author Profile Page said:

Why are you paying for cable? New stuff. And because they have not yet provided the originals of The Fugitive, Combat, December Bride, and The People's Choice ;D

I'm so happy. So very happy. So very, very happy. You have made me just so very, very, very happy.

If it didn't seem slightly blasphemous, I would be adding this to my praise list for the Sunday service.

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This page contains a single entry by Michael Bates published on April 8, 2008 7:08 PM.

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