Crime du jour: Stoners get carjacked

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From today's Tulsa Police Department Daily Activity report, a tale of a horrific carjacking:

On December 9, 2008 at 10:22 p.m., officers were assigned to an Armed Robbery at 1100 N. Madison Avenue.... When [the victims] arrived in the area they found two black males standing in front of an abandoned house on the corner of Latimer and Madison. The two black males approached them, pointed handguns at both of them and told them to get out of their truck. Both victims were placed on the ground by the suspects. The suspects took the victim's wallets, cellular telephones and shoes. The suspects also took a 2000 Toyota pickup belonging to one of the victims. The victims were unable to give a better description of the suspects.

Why might that be? From earlier in the report:

The victims initially gave officers different versions of the robbery. The victims later admitted that they were in the area looking to buy illegal narcotics.

I get these reports on a daily basis. I'm not sure why TPD doesn't post them on their own blog, but since they don't. I'm going to start posting them here.

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Jeff Shaw Author Profile Page said:

The robbery - that's just on the other side of Bullette Park. Madison & Latimer that's just 2 blocks north - all really close to my childhood neighborhood. Ah, the memories! Some things never change.

S. Lee Author Profile Page said:

I think it is great to see some attention called to the high level of crime in Tulsa. I hope that enough of the public will become aware of the problem to bring voter pressure on the city government to start budgeting sufficient money and develop a plan to reduce it by at least half, preferrably more than that. If NYC can fix the mess they had, Tulsa should be able to fix its mess too.

Being able to advertise Tulsa as a place with low crime will do vastly more to attract people and business than any duct tape arena or ballpark no matter how glorious they might be. Failure to fix the crime problem will result in steady decline that no property development project can reverse. When Tulsa is surrounded by cities and towns with crime rates less than a quarter of Tulsa's rates, that is a powerful draw of people and business away from Tulsa.

Tulsa's crime mess should make a good, stout stick that can be used to knock K. T., and perhaps others, out of the saddle.

DavidS said:

Did they mention the one about the guy getting shot at the car wash Tuesday night? By the way it was below 30 degrees at the time, so I don't think anyone was washing a car.....

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This page contains a single entry by Michael Bates published on December 10, 2008 12:31 PM.

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