Medlock launches mayoral campaign

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Former City Councilor and KFAQ talk show host Chris Medlock announced today at the Tulsa Press Club that he is running for Mayor of Tulsa. In 2006, Medlock ran an insurgent primary campaign on a shoestring budget against incumbent Bill LaFortune, finishing second with a respectable 34% in a four-way race, just nine points behind LaFortune.

From KOTV's story on today's announcement:

"As you can tell, I'm making no promises for bold new initiatives or sparkling new projects. It's time to concentrate on the nuts and bolts of city government to create a safer city, more livable city, the kind of city that children growing up in Tulsa today will remember as fondly as I remember the Tulsa of my childhood," said Chris Medlock, (R) Mayoral Candidate.

Medlock posted this summary of his platform on his campaign website,

a mayor for ALL of Tulsa

I recently announced my candidacy for mayor. I am a firm believer that government should be open and transparent to the people it serves. I promise to bring Tulsa's focus back to the 98% of Tulsa that isn't downtown and to serve as a mayor for all of Tulsa.

Why am I running for Mayor?

Tulsa has been losing its luster since the early 1980s. When I came to city government in 2003, we were facing one of the worst budget crises in the city's history. Something had to be done. And so Vision 2025 was put before the voters. We were promised cranes in the air. We were promised our investment in Tulsa's future would turn the city around in such a crisis. Now just six years later we are facing a budget crisis worse than the one we faced in 2003. What happened?

What needs to change?

Tulsa has been governed by the same small group of people for most of my life. Power has been concentrated among a handful of families and business people. We can't continue to head in the same direction under the leadership of the same small group. We must take this opportunity to ask, isn't it time for a new direction? For new leadership? I say it is... and the multitude of people who encouraged me to run for mayor for looking for that new direction.

The website has a "get involved" page for those who want to volunteer or request a yard sign.

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Dawn Summers said:

Oh man! My browser opened up this page in a weird way and so I only saw the second half of that headline and I was soo excited! But nope. What party is Lafortune with?

Sorry to let you down, Dawn! Chris Medlock is a Republican. Bill LaFortune is a Republican, too. LaFortune was elected in 2002, won a close primary over Medlock in 2006, then lost in the 2006 general to Kathy Taylor, a Democrat.

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