Nominated, again, for a Newsie

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Newsies-Logo-color-300x253.jpgI've been nominated, once again, for the Tulsa Press Club Newsie awards, in the category of Favorite Blog.

This is the second year for the Newsie awards, and categories cover news, weather, and sports in print, online, and on the radio and TV airwaves. (Here are the results from the 2011 Newsies voting.)

This year, they're differentiating between independent blogs like BatesLine and bloggers who work for mainstream media outlets (the Favorite Blogger category). The other entrants in the Favorite Blog category are,, and

That's tough competition, and I wouldn't expect to finish in the top three, but I'm honored by the members of Tulsa Press Club who saw fit to nominate BatesLine, and, if you're so inclined, I'd be honored by your vote. Voting is open to the public, and you can vote daily through February 6. Here's a direct link to the 2012 Newsies ballot.

The awards ceremony will be March 1st at the Broadway, an event center on the east edge of downtown, at 720 S. Kenosha. (The building was formerly the home of Urban Tulsa Weekly, which moved last year.) Tickets are $15 for members, $20 for non-members. For reservations, call (918) 583-7737 or email mail AT

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This page contains a single entry by Michael Bates published on February 1, 2012 8:44 AM.

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