Kickstart a libertarian radio show

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Angel-Clark-Radio-Freedom-News-300x226.pngAngel Clark, a Delaware-based libertarian blogger and radio talk show host, has an opportunity for a radio syndication deal that would get her show on more stations. But to make it happen, she needs to fund an upgrade to her studio equipment and to cover the increased cost of licenses. (If you want to use an ear-catching song on your show, you have to pay the license holder.) So she's set up a Kickstarter pledge drive to raise the $20,000 she needs to launch the Angel Clark Show 2.0.

I met Angel and her husband at the first BlogCon and have met up with them on a few occasions over the last couple of years. She keeps the show both lively and professional whether she's talking to a guest, reacting to a caller, or sharing her own thoughts. She's got a witty, sarcastic edge, just enough to be interesting, but not grating. Angel focuses on economic and civil liberties, areas where libertarians and conservatives can usually come together. I've been a guest on the show a couple of times, and it's always been an enjoyable experience. (Here's my appearance on the show on May 17, 2012, providing a different perspective on the controversies at the 2012 Oklahoma Republican Convention. On the previous episode, Qadoshyah Fish, who was part of the rump convention in the parking lot, gave the Ron Paul movement's side of the story.)

While Angel has a strong following via podcast and is heard on a few radio stations, she points out that radio has a broader reach. "Many people just want to get in their cars, flip through the stations, and listen to something they find interesting."

While I disagree with Angel when she says there's no difference between Republicans and Democrats (although, having attended a Delaware Republican State Convention, I can see why she'd feel that way), I respect her passion for liberty and her skill as a communicator. If you'd like to listen, here's a link to podcasts of recent shows. If you'd like to help out with the equipment she needs to broaden her reach, here's the Kickstarter link.

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This page contains a single entry by Michael Bates published on June 19, 2013 7:48 AM.

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