Same-Sex Parenting: The Child Maltreatment No One Mentions - Crisis Magazine

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Same-Sex Parenting: The Child Maltreatment No One Mentions - Crisis Magazine

"In comparison to children with opposite-sex parents, children in the care of same-sex couples, were: almost twice as likely to have a developmental disability; almost twice as likely to have had medical treatment for an emotional problem and three times as likely to have had medicine prescribed for a psychological condition in the past year before the study; ten times more likely to have been sexually touched by a parent or other adult and four times more likely to have been forced to have sex against their will; less likely, when reaching adolescence, to have romantic relationships or to see themselves in a future relationship involving pregnancy or marriage (which suggests that their situation influences them away from relationships with the opposite sex); twice as likely, when becoming adults, to suffer from depression and four times as likely to consider suicide; more likely to use tobacco and marijuana and to have been arrested and then pled guilty of a crime; and three times more likely to be unemployed, receiving public assistance, or if later married to have had adulterous relationships. By the time women who had grown up in same-sex headed households reached age thirty, they were only half as likely to be married or in a relationship lasting three or more years and only a third as likely to have ever been pregnant....

"An article in Mercator.Net about Sullins's work explains the air-tightness of his research methods and also notes that the mainline social science journals have been strikingly silent about the review procedures used for the harm-denial articles they routinely run.

"Even if further research makes the harm of same-sex parenting indisputable--which, to this social scientist, is virtually so already--don't expect mainstream social science to accept it. Ideology has long-since replaced true scholarship there--they are blind followers masquerading as independent thinkers at the cutting edge."


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