A Kentucky Bishop, the Covington Kids, and the Ideology of Antichrist

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A Kentucky Bishop, the Covington Kids, and the Ideology of Antichrist

John Zmirak writes about the response of Catholic bishops to the New York full-term abortion laws and the targeting of Catholic high school students at the March for Life:

"What are the worst ideas on earth? Who is spreading them? What should we think of those who wield power, or hijack our churches, to impose them and punish dissenters?

"Liberal Christianity. That's the worst ideology in the world. Not just today, but ever. Since Adam ate the apple.

"[Kentucky bishop John Stowe's] column joining the elite lynch mob targeting the Covington Catholic boys is really stunning. It reads as if lifted from the pages of The Lord of the World, a prophetic novel of the Antichrist penned in 1900. Stowe, who has praised heretical Catholic LGBT activists, launches into a vicious attack not just on teenage fellow Catholics subject to death threats. He denounces virtually the entire pro-life movement and the half of Americans who voted for a pro-life presidential candidate. He does so with little logic, but vast, overweening self-confidence and unearned moral hauteur.

"There is no scenario on earth in which abortion becomes unthinkable, any more than rape or murder or stealing citizenship will ever be unthinkable. No combination of government policies could ever achieve that. Ideologues like Bishop Stowe surely know that. They intentionally and culpably, with premeditation and full consent of the will, conjure Utopia as an idol in place of Christ.

"Yes, they know that it's ludicrous to pretend that every issue that could possibly affect human life is a 'life issue,' comparable to murdering a million kids per year for sexual convenience. They know better. They know they're helping to keep abortion legal. It's time we admit that and see such men for exactly what they are. And whom they serve."

Sad to say, the same mindset is creeping into the PCA, led by big-city pastors who are bothered that only one political party (the one that's out of step with the controllers of popular culture) is welcoming of a Biblical view of abortion, and so they tell their congregations that socialized medicine and open borders are just as important as the murder of millions of children annually.



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