Trump's wall would be the 32nd active national emergency - CNNPolitics

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Trump's wall would be the 32nd active national emergency - CNNPolitics

The currently effective 31 emergencies date back to a Carter-declared emergency from 1979, imposing sanctions on Iran.

"The National Emergencies Act of 1974 empowers the President to activate special powers during a crisis. Congress can undo a state of emergency declaration, but it would likely require a veto-proof majority, which is unlikely to come from the Republican-controlled Senate.

"Not all national emergency declarations are so controversial. Trump has already issued three national emergency declarations during his tenure, most prominently a national emergency meant to punish foreign actors who interfere in American elections, though the move garnered bipartisan criticism for not going far enough. He's also invoked emergency powers to slap sanctions on human rights abusers around the globe and on members of the Nicaraguan government amid corruption and violent protests there."


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