Feminists Screaming about 'Transgenderism,' Their Own Demon Child

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Feminists Screaming about 'Transgenderism,' Their Own Demon Child

}Let's take a trip down Bad Memory Lane. For approximately three decades, the prevailing feminist doctrine was 'gender neutrality' theory; it held that the sexes are the same except for the superficial physical differences, therefore raising boys and girls the same way will result in their being identical beneath the skin. This was embraced so radically that, as iconoclastic feminist Camille Paglia once related, feminists would corner her on college campuses in the '70s, glaring, and swear that hormones didn't exist and that even if they did, they couldn't possibly influence behavior.

"Though I never believed it, I was accosted with this theory as a teen and young adult, as many of you no doubt were. It was convenient for feminists. After all, convince people of the sexes' sameness, the thinking (feeling?) goes, and there can be no justification for keeping women from traditionally male arenas....

"When I used to work with kids, I encountered an 11-year-old boy who, it came out, supposed the women's mile record should be better than the men's; another lad of about the same age believed that the performance gap between the sexes was 'very slight.' In this vein, Sportscience News reported in 1997 that 'a pre-Olympic poll of 1,000 adults last May found that 66 percent of Americans believe "the day is coming when top female athletes will beat top males at the highest competitive levels" (Tharp, 1996).'

"This is serious dislocation from reality. Note here that the 800-meter-run record for 14-year-old boys is better than the women's world record; that Australia's national women's soccer team, then ranked fifth in the world, lost a 2016 scrimmage to an under-15 boys' team 7-0; and that, more or less, this reflects the general intersex performance gap. But, again, the illusion is convenient for feminists. I mean, if women would equal men athletically but for discrimination, we'd better kick the opportunities and funding for them into high gear, right?

"That is, it was convenient -- until that desired effect had a side-effect. It's another corollary: if the sexes' athletic performances aren't very different to begin with, and if women are destined for parity, what's the big deal about MCW competing in "women's" sports?...

"No, not everyone believes the above. But enough do -- because of feminist brainwashing -- to sorely weaken the opposition to MCW in women's sports."


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