For 11 Years, She Lived as a Man - Daily Signal

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For 11 Years, She Lived as a Man - Daily Signal

An interview with Kathy Grace Duncan, who desisted from living as a man after 11 years.

"Growing up in a dysfunctional family, I believed that women were hated, women were weak, women were vulnerable, and I didn't want that. I didn't want to grow up and be those things....

"I think rather than addressing that symptom--because really that's all it is, is a symptom of a deeper something that's going on--it's trying to look past and asking the why. "Why do you want to live as a man? Why do you think that that's better? Why do you think it's safer? Why is your gender bad?"

"And exploring what [are] the ideas around that and then addressing those things. Because usually it's a place of trauma, or perceived trauma, for them that says, 'Oh, this is not good. Who I am is not good.' And detaching from that and actually becoming hateful of your own self. And that was one of the things I really had to deal with was deep, deep self-hatred just because I was a woman....

"Well, I guess my question for [legislators] would be, 'Have you considered the emotional health? Have you looked at these kids emotionally?' Yeah, they're saying, 'This is what I feel,' but your feelings can lie to you and I can tell you that they lie to you. The way you feel is not always the truth. They need to look underneath all of that.

"'I feel that I'm a boy.' OK. 'Why do you feel that you're a boy?' I would encourage them to look at, do you have the data around the emotional health of that child?

"And looking at the data for those who have already gone through that and have the regret and the emotional trauma that they've gone through, and now they can't really change back necessarily or fully change back.

"So I would encourage them, you need to look beyond the symptoms and you need to get to the cause. What is the root cause of that before you pass any laws about gender identity and boys going into girls' bathrooms?"



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