FLEISHER: The Myth Of Arab Buy-In | The Daily Wire

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FLEISHER: The Myth Of Arab Buy-In | The Daily Wire

"Kedar has crafted an alternative vision to the 'two-state solution' that is called the 'emirates plan.' He presented it to a well-known sheikh in Judea and Samaria (i.e., the 'West Bank'). The sheikh listened attentively to Kedar and in the end, announced: 'I like it. It is good for us. Now you will have to force it upon me.' ...

"Israel is a small Jewish enclave within the massive, and predominantly Arab, Middle East. It is therefore important to understand the regional mindset. While in the West, seeking consent and acquiescence is a sign of respect, equality, and moral uprightness, in the Middle East that same attitude may be insensitive. Trying to elicit public Arab buy-in can inadvertently put Arabs in the uncomfortable position of having to openly repudiate their religion and their nationalism -- even if they like the plan."


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