'The Michelangelo of kitsch': the restoration of outsider architect Bruce Goff | Art and design | The Guardian

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'The Michelangelo of kitsch': the restoration of outsider architect Bruce Goff | Art and design | The Guardian

"Born in 1904, he grew up in Oklahoma - way off the cultural radar. Having demonstrated a flair for art as a child, the 12-year-old Goff was taken by his father to a Tulsa architects' office, where he pleaded with them to give his boy a job. After quickly learning the basics of drafting, he began to produce his own designs. A colleague remarked that his ideas resembled the work of Frank Lloyd Wright, whom Goff had never heard of. So he wrote to Wright, who replied with words of encouragement, and advised him not to study at architecture school and to find his own path....

"...in 1955 he resigned [from OU] under a cloud. He was accused of abusing a 14-year-old boy. Many maintain the incident was a setup, engineered by rivals uncomfortable with Goff's sexuality and jealous of his reputation." Reading between the lines, one wonders whether he was re-enacting an experience from his own youth.


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