News -- Calgary Classical Academy

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News -- Calgary Classical Academy

"Alberta's Ministry of Education has given approval for a new tuition-free, public charter school serving Calgary students. The school plans to offer grades K-6 beginning in the 2022/2023 academic year, and will expand thereafter to include middle and high school programs.

"The Calgary Classical Academy will offer an academically rigorous liberal arts education focused on developing "the knowledge, virtues, and habits befitting free citizens." Among the school's distinct features are a smartphone-free environment; its embrace of traditional pedagogy and teacher-led classrooms; ancient and modern language offerings; a focus on character and the nurturing of virtues; classical fine and performing arts; and an explicit commitment to the pursuit of truth and beauty....

"Over the last several years, there has been a resurgence of interest in classical education in the United States, with an estimated 750,000 - 1 million American students now enrolled in classical education programs. Canadian families seeking this style of education for their children have had few options, however, being limited to either homeschooling or a very small number of private or religious programs.

"As a tuition-free charter school, the Calgary Classical Academy will be the first public and non-denominational classical education program in Canada."


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