BASIC Computer Games - Wikipedia

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BASIC Computer Games - Wikipedia

I have memories of typing computer programs printed in a magazine (Byte, Creative Computing) into our TRS-80 Model I, with the cassette drive for storage. The favorite was the Star Trek text-based game, where you chase Klingons across an 8x8 map of quadrants, and try to destroy them with phasers and photon torpedos, one command at a time. We had it on the Wang 2200 at school as well. Here's the 1978 edition of BASIC Computer Games. Hunt the Wumpus was another favorite; I modified the playing field from a dodecahedron (12 nodes, 3 adjacent to each) to an icosahedron (20 nodes, 5 adjacent ).

MORE: History and source of the 1971 version of Star Trek, with screenshots.



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