Breezewood - The Rise and Decline of a Highway Rest Stop

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Breezewood - The Rise and Decline of a Highway Rest Stop

"Section 113(b) and (c) of the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 that created the Interstate system. Section 113(b) stated that an Interstate can have direct access through an interchange with a toll road as long as access to a free alternative is available. Section 113(c) allowed for interchanges to be built with federal funds as long as the toll road operating agency agreed to retire tolls once their bonds were paid off. The other option was for the Turnpike to fund and built their own interchange. In short, the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission didn't want to spend its own funds on an interchange - they had feared that the not yet complete Interstate 80 to the north would cut deeply into their revenues - and the unique setup that would give birth to over 50 different roadside businesses and services was set in stone."


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