William Wheelwright on Twitter: "Dead Poets' Society isn't the movie you thought it was"

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William Wheelwright on Twitter: "Dead Poets' Society isn't the movie you thought it was"

Interesting take from the perspective of classical education: "Dead Poets' Society isn't the movie you thought it was--it is in fact a brutal critique of boomer liberalism and a cautionary tale against the perils of hippie rebellion. Mr. Keating is its villain; the other teachers and Neil's father are the would-be heroes of this tragedy." RELATED: "How to Ruin a Favourite Film: Dead Poets Society Reconsidered" from 2020 by Rory Shiner: "Coming back to the film as an adult and a parent, I naturally have some quibbles with Keating's overall educational vision. But what is most noticeable to me is that, even by his own criteria, he fails." Found these in replies to this tweet from CLT president Jeremy Tate.


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