Community colleges and trade schools are largely void of Israel-Hamas protests | Washington Examiner

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Community colleges and trade schools are largely void of Israel-Hamas protests | Salena Zito in the Washington Examiner

"'In 2016, I was feeling very proud to have a scholarship fund that was earmarked for trade schools when everywhere I looked, I saw people burning the flag at elite universities,' [Mike] Rowe said, adding, 'Maybe it happened then, or maybe it is happening now, but I looked, and I couldn't find a single incident of a trade school or community college burning the American flag.'...

"'The first protest I saw [at the University of Wisconsin at Madison] was related to some minor military event. ... They were clearly 'finding themselves' on someone else's dime. When you work to pay for your school like most trade and community college students do, you don't see the value. And the faculty and administration seem to share that sentiment at those schools.'"


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